Sheez, the standing desk industry seems so shady. Found two fairly well known “review” sites that seem legitimate, but when you dig deeper you find they’re owned by, or are related to, companies that make their own standing desks
Author: Evan Kline (page 2 of 164)
Hello, I'm Evan. I write about tech from my perspective – that of the average tech geek, sometimes with my lawyer glasses on. You can also find me on Twitter and at my real-life job as a lawyer. MORE ABOUT ME.
I must not be big on anniversaries, because I completely missed the 10 year anniversary of this site. A “Coming Soon” post went live on May 28, 2009, with the first substantive post going up on June 4, 2009. I remember sitting at the table at my sister’s beach house that May with my laptop and finding the domain name after deciding I wanted to do this. I never thought I’d still be writing, albeit sporadically, 10 years later.
I probably should have some deep thoughts about the anniversary, from years of crazy traffic (by my standards) and coverage on big sites, to the more cozy, personal place this is today, but all I have to say is yay, and thanks for reading. And a special shout out to Bobby Travis, who wrote with me in those early years. This site has opened some doors for me, and has been loads of fun.
Your Caps Lock key might be underused on your Mac. If you’re a big automation geek, why not use it for something else, in addition to its built-in functionality? Karabiner Elements is a Mac tool that lets you customize the keyboard on your Mac, including the Caps Lock key. In this post, I’ll talk about how I’ve set up my Caps Lock key to be used as an extra modifier key (similar to the Command, Control, Option, and Shift keys), while at the same time preserving its normal functionality.
Ryan Christoffel writing for MacStories:
First, HomeRun now provides the option to set different complications to appear on your watch face throughout the day during select time periods. You can, for example, tell HomeRun that starting at 6:00am every day, you want its complication to trigger your ‘Good Morning’ scene, then at 8:00am it should instead trigger your ‘I’m leaving’ scene, and at 5:00pm it should change to activate ‘I’m home’. Not only will the action change, but the complication itself will visually transform at the time you’ve programmed.
If you have the nagging feeling that your Apple Watch should be better at triggering HomeKit scenes, check out HomeRun. You can add customized complications to your Watch face, and this latest update allows those complications to change based on the time of the day.