Momentous tech day for me – just wiped my Evernote account. First used it almost a decade ago and had been a huge fan, but have been DEVONthink-only for a couple years. Also just kicked my office PC to the curb. Will use Parallels on my Mac when I need Windows.
Category: Evernote (page 1 of 9)
For the past few years, I’ve been using three note taking apps side by side. Two of the three apps have stayed the same over the years, while the third has changed a couple of times. Why three apps? It’s partially a function of the strengths and weaknesses of the apps I use, but it’s largely a function of my brain liking to keep different types of data segregated into different apps. In my system, each app serves a different purpose:
Byword has long been one of my favorite text editors on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone. I like it for its simplicity, its effortless sync between Mac and iOS, and its Markdown support. (For a short primer on Markdown and its virtues, check down my earlier post on it.) Byword has recently become even more useful, adding support for direct publishing to Evernote, WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, and Scriptogram. Read more
Could Google be launching a competitor to Evernote and Springpad? Google scrapped its Notebooks app quite some time ago, but according to a story on the Verge yesterday, it looks like the company might be ready to get back into the note taking app business. Would you give it a try?
I’m sure that Google will insert many hooks into its other services, that will make the app very tempting. Still, there are a couple of reasons that I probably won’t be leaving Evernote anytime soon. Read more
A recent article on Lifehacker has me wondering if I’m using Evernote all wrong. I only have two main notebooks in Evernote: Work, and Personal. There are a few other random ones that are automatically created by apps, such as the notebook that Scanner Pro, an iOS app, creates. I also have an “Inbox” notebook where notes reside until they are moved into one of the other notebooks. But by and large, all of my notes go into my two main notebooks. Am I in the minority with how I use Evernote notebooks? Read more