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Josh Farkas Joins 40Tech

josh1 I'm pleased to announce that Josh Farkas has joined 40Tech as a writer.  His debut post will be going live later today.  Actually, his post today will be his second post for 40Tech, as Josh was the winner of our first writer's contest.  The winner of that contest won a lifetime subscription to GTDagenda, and also received an invitation to become a regular writer on 40Tech.  We're pleased that Josh accepted our invitation.  To see his winning entry, check out Josh's take on GTDagenda.

Josh works as an attorney in the energy sector, and is passionate about the potential that technology and alternative energy hold for the future.  Keep your eye out for his post later this evening, which contemplates how lo-tech devices are sometimes a better choice than their high-tech counterparts.  In the meantime, you can check out his profile here at 40Tech.

Welcome aboard, Josh!