Thanks for a superb set of articles. I am new to GTD, have read the book and want to start gearing up. I’m starting afresh and have no experience of any of this software. Having read your article and Feb comment about returning to AN/EN, I thought I would go that route, but note now that you’ve moved away from this. Omnifocus looks great for GTD, although this is OSX/iOS only. I want a system for my iphone, but also that I can use conveniently when at the office which means on a Windows computer. Does this mean you exclusively use macs, or do you have a workaround?

Looking at the app store, it seems that AN now has iphone calendar integration and with ver.6.10: “Provide the Auto-Sync with Evernote; Developed the sync speed with Evernote; Support the Evernote Tag Synchronization.” No mention of linking to-dos with contacts though.

I don’t understand the formatting issue as have never used EN.

Do you have an updated recommendation please, before I dive into this?

Incidentally I also found this, which seems a pretty good round up of GTD apps:

Thanks again.